Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christian Music

I have to confess that I have never been the biggest fan of Christian radio stations.  I know that is terrible to say, but I am being honest.  I love Christian music, especially praise and worship, but sometimes the songs they play on the radio can be a little "cheesy".  When we lived in Abilene, we got a Christian station out of California that was awesome!!  The one here not so much.  However, I was convicted one night when all the kids piled in our bed and Chapel was playing music on my iphone from my playlist.  Owen and McKay knew all the words to the songs by Usher.  It was HILARIOUS.  There weren't any bad words, but probably not the most edifying lyrics for my boys to have memorized.  I have always found it easier to run to Beyonce rather than praise and worship, but God has changed my heart!!  So, I asked my mom to give the boys some Christian cd's for Christmas.  Our favorite one is a kids version of popular praise and worship songs, kinda like those kid bops cd's.  It is amazing how quickly the boys have memorized the lyrics and all have a favorite song.  Even Chapel yells at me from the back to play the "never let go" song!  As I was putting the boys to bed the other night sweet Owen asked, "mommy what does grace mean, like "your grace is enough" from that song we listened to?".  It took my breath away.  The crazy thing is, we talk about grace a lot in our house.  We tell the boys all the time that we are showing them grace when they deserve a spanking or time out!  We've talked about grace before when discussing salvation and I thought they knew what grace meant.  But, it wasn't until a song we listened to in the car with a chorus of "your grace is enough" did Owen ask and open up a discussion of God's grace.  How cool is that?  It was such a wake up call to me to remember how important it is what I and the boys listen to in the car.  As a mom I feel like I do a pretty good job discussing God's truths with my boys daily.  But, it just goes to show that we all learn different ways and Owen needed to hear it through song rather than me vomiting words at him.  There is power in music and I am so glad God used it in Owen's life.        

1 comment:

  1. My boys love the Passion CD's. Even Nathan knows the words :)
