This week I turned 34 years old! I went for my almost monthly hair appointment, which was fitting, because I had just counted a new record of grey hairs on my head the night before!! The number 34 doesn't bother me, but 4 grey hairs does. Wess planned his almost yearly surf trip a couple of months ago, and it happened to fall the week of my birthday. I assured him it was not a big deal and celebrating on my actual birthday rarely happens anyway. Last year he planned a surprise girls weekend for me and several of my girl friends in Dallas. We had a blast and still laugh over some of the funny things that happened that weekend. I can't believe it has been a year since we celebrated in Dallas- time is flying by these days! All that to say, I wasn't expecting much this year, especially with him not even being here. But, boy was I wrong. It turned out to be my best birthday ever! I feel a little guilty saying that since Wess wasn't even there, but I don't think it would've have played out the way it did. He made sure my birthday was special. He took the boys shopping for my present (lulu lemon running pants) and made big plans for the night of my birthday. The plans were to go to Mama's Pizza, which is my favorite pizza place in Fort Worth. However, Wess didn't realize we had a baseball party there the night before, and although I love Mama's there is no way I could eat it 2 nights in a row! It took some convincing to talk the boys into a different place. They had been given strict orders from Wess and they were afraid to make any changes. After discussing with Wess the change in location, the boys were back in business! We went to our neighborhood Italian restaurant, and before we got there McKay pulled out two twenty dollar bills and told me they were taking me to dinner and I was not allowed to pay- no matter what! It was precious, and for the first time I saw McKay growing up right before my very eyes. We enjoyed a nice dinner and they reminded me how good they had been for my birthday, which was a direct order from their father. They were buzzing the whole dinner about the surprise- the cake. Wess had his friend Barney take the cake to the restaurant earlier that evening and when we arrived the boys let the staff know we had arrived. McKay was a little shy talking to the staff of the restaurant, but Owen led the way! They could hardly contain themselves through dinner. I know they were excited to surprise me, but I think they were even more excited to eat the cake. The whole Bella's staff sang happy birthday as they brought out the cake, and when the song came to "happy birthday to _" the boys shouted out "mommy"! It was precious. When they placed the cake in front of me there was a picture of Wess holding a sign that said "miss you and love you, happy birthday". That's when the tears started rolling. I felt SO blessed by my husband who went out of his way to make my birthday so special. But, I shouldn't have been surprised because he always goes out of his way to make me feel special. And now he is teaching this to our 3 boys. It truly was my best birthday ever!